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1.1 Resolve addr from sns

var addr string = sns.Resolve("abc.seedao")

If the sns is not registered, it will return 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 (zero address).

This method has an equivalent version: func ResolveWithRPC(sns, rpc string) string, but you can use your own rpc endpoint, for example:

var addr string = sns.ResolveWithRPC("abc.seedao", "")

1.2 Resolve sns from addr

var sns string = sns.Name("0x123...789")

If the address has no sns, it will return "" (empty string).

This method also has an equivalent version: func NameWithRPC(addr, rpc string) (sns string), but you can use your own rpc endpoint.

2.1 Batch resolve addr from sns

var addrArr []string = sns.Resolves([]string{"abc.seedao", "def.seedao"})

If the sns is not registered, it will return 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 (zero address).

This method also has an equivalent version: func ResolvesWithRPC(sns []string, rpc string) []string, but you can use your own rpc endpoint.

2.2 Batch resolve sns from addr

var nameList []string = sns.Names([]string{"0x123...789", "0x456...654"})

If the address has no sns, it will return "" (empty string).

This method also has an equivalent version: func NamesWithRPC(addr []string, rpc string) []string, but you can use your own rpc endpoint.