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list all applications

The requests contains all type of requests listed above, which contains : * Project related:

  • Close project
  • Credit and Token
    • Credit reward
    • Token reward

This API returns requests based on query params

Query Parameters
page number

which page

size number

size of each page

sort_field string
sort_order string

Possible values: [asc, desc]

type string REQUIRED

Possible values: [close_project, new_reward]

entity string REQUIRED

Possible values: [project, guild]

project or guild, one query can only get data from one type of entity

entity_id string

entity ID for the application

start_date string

start date of applications, must be used with end_date

end_date string

end date of applications, must be used with start_date

applicant string

applicant wallet address

user_wallet string

target user wallet address

state string

Possible values: [open, approved, rejected, processing, completed]

state of applications



page number OPTIONAL
size number OPTIONAL
total number OPTIONAL
rows object[] OPTIONAL
application_id number OPTIONAL

application ID

entity_name string OPTIONAL

Possible values: [project, guild]

entity type of this application

created_at string OPTIONAL

when the application is created

target_user_wallet string OPTIONAL

target wallet for this new reward, for close_project application, this field is meanless

token_asset_name string OPTIONAL

asset name for token

token_amount string OPTIONAL

how many token will be sent in this reward

credit_asset_name string OPTIONAL

asset name for credit

credit_amount string OPTIONAL

how many credit will be sent in this reward

budget_source string OPTIONAL

project or guild name that provides this reward

status string OPTIONAL

Possible values: [open, approved, rejected, processing, completed]

submitter_wallet string OPTIONAL

wallet of submitter user

submitter_name string OPTIONAL

name of submitter user if set in the db record, or empty string will be returned

reviewer_wallet string OPTIONAL

wallet of reviewer user, if the application is in one state, this field should be empty

reviewer_name string OPTIONAL

name of submitter user if set in the db record, or empty string will be returned. Also application in open state will not have this field set

transaction_ids string OPTIONAL

transaction IDs for this reward, only shown for completed applications